
Harness the Power of Website Visitors With RLSA

February 6, 2017

Why Use Remarketing Lists for Search Ads?

In digital media, often your most powerful tool is going to be historical data and knowledge. In the same way that your previous decisions should inform your next steps, many savvy digital marketers also know that your best chance at making the sale is with your past website visitors. Someone that has already been to your site is a much better candidate for a conversion than the average Joe on Google. Since it often takes several touches to make the sale, it is important to ensure that your ad always shows up when a past site visitor searches for your keywords.

When someone comes to your website, website cookies add that person to a remarketing list. One way to use this list is to target these visitors with display ads as they browse the internet (known as display remarketing). A second strategy is known as Remarketing Lists for Search Ads, or RLSA. With RLSA, you can specifically target relevant searches made by people on this list. Simply add your remarketing list to the Audience tab of any search campaign and you can gather invaluable performance data.

You can even go one step further and prioritize searches made by these past site visitors with a bid adjustment. A bid adjustment automatically increases or decreases your bid from the default settings when certain conditions are met. In this case, you may be willing to pay more for a click from your remarketing list. To make a bid adjustment, just add your remarketing list to the Audience tab of your campaign and choose the “Bid Only” option in the Targeting column. You then tell Google how much to increase your bid, making it easier to hit the 1st position for this group even if you are not willing to bid that high for regular searches.


For an even more advanced approach, you can create separate campaigns solely for this group – allowing you to tailor even more of your strategy towards these past site visitors. By adding your remarketing list to the Audience tab and choosing the “Target and Bid” option, you tell Google that only searches made by people on this list should trigger that campaign’s ad. By building out these RLSA-specific campaigns, you can tailor your ad copy, keywords, and budget precisely for this group.

With RLSA, the possibilities to hone your overall performance are endless. Suddenly you can craft ad copy that speaks directly to your past site visitors, fully fund their searches, and make sure that you are showing up in the 1st position for them every time. Now is the time to make your marketing budget work even harder for you – and make the sale.

And as a bonus…

Here’s a secret to getting RLSA up and running quickly and easily: skip the tagging and create your remarketing audiences directly in Google Analytics. Simply connect your GA account to AdWords and get started:

This easy setup allows you to take advantage of powerful segmenting tools in GA. Create lists of buyers, abandoned carts, users that have viewed more than 3 pages…the sky (and your remarketing strategy) is the limit!