
Lessons Learned and Advice for Marketing Leaders

February 22, 2019

Our VP of Marketing, Kristina Yarrington, was recently interviewed by MarTech Series about her experiences, thoughts and predictions for the Ad Tech space, and more.

During the conversation, Kristina shared information about her background, what inspired her to join a Programmatic Ad Tech company and her predictions about how VPs like her can help close the gap between Sales and Marketing. She also gave her thoughts about AI-as-a-Service and Experience-as-a-Service as well as lessons she learned in 2018 that helped inform her 2019 strategy.

In sharing her motivations for joining AdSwerve, Kristina shared the challenges she faced in her previous position: “I’ve spent my career in marketing; always on the client side. In my last role as VP of Marketing, one of my biggest challenges was data and reporting. I was often frustrated by the inconsistencies in reporting across multiple platforms and vendors. Often the data told completely different stories and as the marketing leader, this put me in a difficult situation when making decisions on media strategy and determining budgets.” She continued, “I can relate to the challenges our clients face today and that’s why I am excited to be a part of the AdSwerve team. Our key focus is helping agencies and marketers solve this problem, by providing transparency around data and linking analytics media buying to ultimately drive better marketing results.”

Hired in August, Kristina has already made an enormous impact on our newly combined businesses and changed how we communicate our value. Check out the article and get to know her better! Then, drop her a line to tell her what you thought and welcome her to our AdSwerve community.