
How Condé Nast Partnered with Adswerve for a Seamless Transition from Adobe Analytics to Google Analytics

April 30, 2019

Switching analytics platforms can be daunting, especially for an enterprise with several Web properties and an abundance of data. Working with a vendor that understands the ins and outs of the tools and platforms can help ensure a smooth transition with little business disruption.

Media giant Condé Nast recently went through the process of migrating its 21 brands from Adobe Analytics to Google Analytics 360 to reduce operational costs and increase its understanding of site users through deeper demographic data. Its team members needed a partner they could trust that could help them move platforms, ensure data accuracy and alleviate fears about the large-scale transition. Their analysts also needed the right training to effectively manage and leverage all the analytics, marketing and user profiling tools moving forward. The kicker? It all needed to happen within a four-month period. After carefully vetting several potential partners, the company turned to Adswerve’s experts for help.

Adswerve conducted a deep dive into Condé Nast’s data collection processes, crafted a governed data model that provided consistency across brands, developed a rollout plan, created a gap analysis and trained the team, all while hitting the aggressive deadline.

One of the perceived challenges of such a large-scale migration was a potential break in data continuity between the Adobe and Google platforms. Close collaboration between the Adswerve and Condé Nast teams limited discrepancies to 3%, giving internal stakeholders more confidence in Google Analytics and the new data set. It also helped the Condé Nast team become more efficient and reduce both platform and operational costs.

Read the whole story for more detailed information about the migration process and associated results.