
Broaden Incrementality with These Three Tactics

October 10, 2019

Incrementality. Mediaspeak to qualify media spend against revenue uplift. The method is generally measured with users from an exposed vs. non-exposed group, or, control vs. retargeted, to prove the case of a clear winner that directly influences revenue. It’s an ideal stake in the ground for any marketer to get past the often nebulous ROAS

There’s a plethora of content about how to accomplish this, all hinged on the success of performing the perfect split. The all-mighty split demands an artform article all itself, stretching past manifest campaign settings into things like brand affinity, seasonality, outside media efforts, localization, randomization and even more qualitative scenarios that must be corralled and considered. Minutia levers like this can be geeked out upon with the stroke of a Google search. However, for this brief article, we aim to only ask and inspire: How can we broaden, deepen and simplify? Try bringing these three considerations into your next incrementality test:

Onsite Behavior

Construing a conversion or goal is an important part of architecting any test. All too often, we tend to look at pixel fires or front-end cookie and click path metrics alone. But what about users who don’t click, but still engage in softer ways? For example, brand or prospecting campaigns where the conversion-to-revenue value may be realized much later, offline entirely or simply just wrapped within a softer funnel where hard actions are not represented?

Segmenting and reporting onsite behavior from media channels such as bounce rate, session length, site path, exit pages, etc. will help quantify your incremental test a bit deeper. It takes into account users who may not fire a pixel and warrant a conversion, but should be  included based on deep onsite engagement and brand journey. To take it a step further, these insights could also expose inventory that seemingly drives front-end performance like view-through or click-through rates, yet expound orbit-shattering bounce rates.This lends to the possibility of invalid traffic or poor exchange integrity for you to then chop out of the media mix.


Pipe in Business Efficiency

When testing your ad tech report card, it’s important to consider business-specific impact. This can include CRM metrics on team efficiency and time savings, the capability of future-proofing or scaling in the 10-year outlook, support efficiency, usability, etc. These types of business metrics back into true ROI from a platform investment perspective, as they will ultimately impact the most important business variable, humans. Decisions like headcount, time effectiveness, platform churn and time to team uptake are all considerations any CMO should consider when making decisions for the ideal ad tech stack. They can be included with any incremental head-to-head platform test.

Product Tip: If you’re looking for the best CRM software, check out this resource to help guide your decision. As for visualizing business metrics with campaign data, Data Studio makes this pretty easy and actionable. Check out one of Adswerve’s free Data Studio templates here.


Understand Your Qualitative Metrics

Finally, for the most trusted confidence, you ideally want to dismiss any variable of creative, messaging and audience since this realm resides more within market research and standard A/B tests, not necessarily full media incrementality against spend. Any pre-work you can do will deliver a more solid test. Surveys 360 offers the ability to target your Google remarketing lists. This means you can run creative tests, uncover UX experiences, brand affinity and more against known users of video watchers, cart abandoners, home page visitors, or PDF downloaders, etc. Then, validate this against your control or non-exposed groups leveraging the 10MM+ Google global network and gather some outstanding insights. All qualitative metrics mentioned at the start of this article can be uncovered  in near real-time and at a minimal cost using the Surveys 360 tool. It will allow your incrementality test to be focused, targeted and qualitatively sound.

Product Tip: Surveys 360 offers agile intelligence designed for marketers. Whether it’s A/B creative tests, market research, brand tracking, UX or simply sparking authentic conversations with known users,this product can power your media decisions.


How to Get Started

Sure, this all sounds good, but who has the time? Luckily, tools can help you automate. Set up your Google Analytics or Google Analytics 360 and tagging in a meaningful way, and then pipe in your onsite, front-end media and backend business metrics within DataStudio. This will provide a true-north visualization. Next, set up your split after confirming any A/B creative messaging, audiences, market research and qualitative insights via Surveys360. As you run your test, score accordingly with these added metrics and take your incrementality to another level.

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