
Industry News: What to Expect for Privacy Legislation Under the New Presidency

January 20, 2021

After what can be considered one of the most drawn-out elections in recent memory, the dust has settled and we find ourselves looking to a new presidency. There will be no shortage of priorities for the upcoming administration, however, privacy and consumer protection are sure to take center stage in the coming years. As rules and regulations continue to evolve, the US has seen an uptick in interest from both Republicans and Democrats regarding privacy regulation. From the initial impact of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in 2018 to the recently expanded California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), growing privacy legislation is allowing consumers more control than ever, concerning the personal information that businesses collect about them.

Our Head of Innovation, Charles Farina, was recently featured in AdExchanger, describing how bipartisan interest should further data privacy legislation under the new Biden presidency.

Charles asserts:

“Data privacy legislation is one of the few areas where there’s actually bipartisan support. Putting aside the nuances, Senate Republicans are mainly fixated on getting rid of social platform immunity for third-party content under Section 230 and Democrats are more focused on data collection practices.”

Charles Farina | Head of Innovation

For more about what the Biden presidency means for privacy and consumer protection, check out AdExchanger’s full article. And if you have any questions about your 2021 digital marketing strategies, feel free to reach out; we’re always happy to help.