
3 Ways A Trafficking Document Can Improve Campaign Manager Efficiency

January 25, 2021

There are a variety of ways to optimize for time and efficiency within Campaign Manager, however, with a little extra planning and organization, you can often set yourself up for early success. If you use Campaign Manager and have several people and processes to juggle, adding a trafficking document that joins your media plan and your campaign UI can help. Whether you have a large campaign on the horizon, are onboarding a new team member, or are expecting creative swaps, the document can save time and help you stay organized. Here are the three ways a trafficking document can improve efficiency in Campaign Manager.

1) Plan Out Campaign Structure Ahead of Time

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success when it comes to trafficking and reporting is creating a campaign structure that makes sense to your overall objectives. When we plan out our structures, we recommend the following:

  • Break out placements by size:  This can help you keep your creative swaps organized and easily viewable in reporting
  • Use as few Ads as possible: As long as your creative assets, size and landing page are the same across your placements there’s no need to create multiple ads. Save yourself some time and try to organize in a way that has fewer ads
  • Create naming conventions that help in reporting: Did you know you can create custom channel groupings in reporting based on naming conventions? We recommend having a consistent single naming convention on your Placements of “Sitename_Asset Type_Dimenson”. Some examples are:
    • DV360_Display_300x250
    • Facebook_Social_1x1

2) Keep Everyone on the Same Page

Using a trafficking document helps keep an easy-to-view record of what’s currently running. This can facilitate communication between the media planner and the trafficker and can help if multiple colleagues work together on the same campaign. Need to show your boss a quick breakdown of what’s running? Share the trafficking document. About to take a well deserved vacation? Use the trafficking document to prepare your backup. 

3) Maintain a Change Log of Alterations 

For campaigns that make multiple creative swaps in a month, it’s important to keep a log of when things were changed. While you can see this in the UI at the different levels, we recommend keeping a running list of big updates to view at a glance.

Get Started

Want to start your own trafficking document? Here’s an example layout that can be used for simple, but effective workflows.

A little planning can save you a lot of time. Start with necessary details that describe the set up of your Advertiser, Campaign, Site, Placements, Ads and Creatives:

  • Helpful dimensions include: Advertiser Name & ID | Campaign Name | Site Name & ID | Placement Name | Size | Start Date | End Date | Ad Name | Creative Assignment | Creative Rotation | Landing Page Names | Landing Page URL
  • Keep a section for notes and updates
  • Always feel free to add additional columns to your document, this is completely customizable and here to make things easier for you
If you want more information and guidance in Campaign Manager contact us and find out how our services can help!