
5 Tips for Working with a New Ad Server

December 9, 2020

Working with a new ad server can be a bit like test-driving a new car. You stroll in with hands-on experience but find yourself hitting the brakes as soon as see your favorite features are not where you thought they’d be. Some may even be missing entirely. This type of new-platform shock can stop the most-veteran of digital marketers right in their tracks. For some, the pause is temporary, but for others, the learning curve can be overwhelming, eventually causing some to abandon the new tech before it was even given a chance to blossom.

Adapting to a new platform will always involve some degree of challenge, however, there are definitely ways to help you stay motivated and productive when working with a new platform.

Here are five tips for working with a new ad server:

  1. Know your current state of operations – Be well-versed in how your team manages the day-to-day operations with your current ad server. Which platform features do you rely on consistently? What key metrics are you using to measure your goals? Having a firm grasp on what makes you successful, can help you prioritize which areas of the new platform will need to be focused on first.

  2. Identify important settings and features in the new ad server – Whether these are features that are similar to what you are currently using or entirely new, do the research ahead of time. Come to the table with a list of priority features that will provide the most value and traction toward your goals. By identifying key features early on, you can plan ahead for any new processes to ensure your initial Campaigns roll out smoothly.

  3. Be open-minded to workarounds – Just like cars, each platform is different and special in a variety of ways. There is typically no one-size-fits-all solution. That said, you can often find or create a custom solution that meets most, if not all, of your needs. If you’re finding that your new ad server isn’t quite doing exactly what your previous platform did, look to workarounds that can provide similar solutions. They may even provide a whole new set of insights.

  4. Set aside time – New platforms have a learning curve. Setting aside sufficient time to learn and experiment can go a long way.  Whether you block off some time to re-watch a webinar or take a few minutes to read a short article, it can pay off down the line. The more time you spend getting to explore the new platform, the easier it will be to navigate and get things done. This can be helpful in so many ways, especially when you find yourself facing a strict deadline.

  5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – Learning a new platform doesn’t have to be a solo project. Communicate with your team, reach out to experts and ask for directions. Collaboration is a good thing. Sometimes a simple conversation can make more sense than spending that time trying to understand it on your own. You may even find a more efficient workflow that you never would have thought of.

At the end of the day, working with a new ad server is never easy, but if you follow the above tips, you will be more prepared to take on the challenge.