
Case Study Spotlight: Improving Efficiency and Lead Volume Across 350 Individually Managed Search Campaigns

April 9, 2021

Success stories can be inspiring! It’s one of the reasons we love sharing these stories—especially when the work we’ve done impacts more than one company. Partnering with agencies allows us to not only help the agency succeed but also empowers them to help their clients reach their goals. A win-win-win!

Our client, Minneapolis-based digital marketing agency Gemini, works with ProMedica Senior Care (formerly HCR ManorCare), which has more than 350 locations supported by individually managed paid search campaigns. Gemini partnered with us to find a solution for its client that could manage budget pacing, optimize bids based on the budget and lead goals and drive high-quality leads. 

We worked together to create a solution that included budget plans with bid strategies and auction-time bidding. It allowed Gemini to more efficiently manage spend and exceed its annual lead goal three months ahead of schedule. Plus, every campaign’s year-over-year lead volume increased—some by more than 100%—while cost per action (CPA) decreased by 40%.

Read the full case study for the details. And if you’re interested in learning more about budget bid strategies and auction-time bidding, or want to partner with us, please contact us and we’ll be in touch!