
Industry News: Creating Privacy Safe Data Strategies

May 19, 2021

If you’re a regular reader, you know that we’ve talked a lot about how marketers can and should move forward in today’s privacy-centric digital environments. Our head of innovation, Charles Farina, recently continued the conversation with Forbes contributor Joe Toscano, sharing more about how marketers can get ahead of state— and most likely federal—privacy legislation so they’re not caught on their heels when it matters most.

“Creative ideas that get consumers to proactively share their data don’t happen in a vacuum. As Farina notes, they almost exclusively happen in teams that have built a privacy-first culture…Doing this requires breaking down internal silos. Marketing and analytics teams, for example, can’t operate separately and expect to maintain a holistic approach to privacy — not to mention guarantee compliance with regulations.”

Strategic Data Strategies Will Win In An Enhanced Privacy Era by Joe Toscano
Charles_Farina - Adswerve Head of Innovation
Charles Farina, Head of Innovation

Charles contends that preparing for the legislation “will require more thinking about the value exchange of consumer data.” Consumers, too, will need to see the value of data, and be given reasons to opt in to businesses’ campaigns. But getting customers to share their data proactively will require creativity:

Read the full article to learn more about adhering to privacy regulations and creating a strong forward-thinking data strategy that allows you to continue to connect with your audiences in meaningful ways.