
How Owning Your Own Data Can Be Your Brand’s Differentiator

November 7, 2019

Adswerve President and Founder Clint Tasset was recently featured in MarTech for his insights on the importance of brands owning their technology and data. He discusses how key benefits such as reporting, actionable insights and transparency can all become realities when data and analytics are working together. In an advertising industry that’s evolving daily, it’s essential for brands to own their data and have the tools needed to make enhanced customer connections through increased relevance, predictability and personalization.

“If you’re only acting on partial insights, that means you’re missing out on crucial information you need to make informed decisions,” said Clint. “But when you own your own data, you arm your business with the capability to dive into much more granular data, surface deeper insights and drive smarter campaigns. When invaluable intel is available, such as detailed audience segmentation, it allows you to align analytics with your overarching business goals to optimize your Marketing and make data-driven decisions based on predicted behavior instead of past tendencies.” 

Acquiring a single, complete view of your customer through the information gathered from all your Marketing platforms helps you make better informed, data-driven decisions. It may seem difficult, but with tools like BigQuery, Machine Learning and the Cloud, it’s possible to connect disparate data sets from your CRM data, marketing automation tools and media campaigns.

According to a 2018 Nielson report, only one in four CMOs are very confident or extremely confident in their ability to accurately quantify digital media ROI and connect all of the data together. So read the full article here to get a leg up on the competition and make more data-driven decisions for your brand.