
The Upside of Privacy Legislation

March 24, 2020

With privacy on the forefront of marketers’ minds, it’s only fitting that our Director of Partner Relationships (and former Googler) Peter Crofut joined the conversation. In a recent interview with TV(R)EV, he shared his take on personalization in this new age of privacy, ad-tech trends and Adswerve’s approach to media and data insights. 

“Moving from precision marketing — which we’ve been in the era of for the past five to 10 years for those three things, you know, right user, right time, right place — to actually thinking about more of a predictive model, which is: How do we actually know what ‘right’ is? What is the right time? What is the right context to meet a user? As cookies start to go away, that power of looking at first-party data and measurement in terms of ‘What is the user journey?’ becomes very important.” – Peter Crofut

Watch the Adtech Explained video to learn more.